Preschool Screening
Screening Times
Preschool screenings for the 2024-2025 school year have been completed.
If you have developmental concerns about your preschool aged child, please contact Tracy Taylor at (330) 722-8257 ext 1005 or
In order to be considered for a peer role model opening for Little Bucks Preschool:
- Students must be 3 years old by August 1, 2024
- Students must reside in the Buckeye Local School District. Open enrollment students will be selected last to fill our slots.
- Students entering as peer role models are required to be fully potty trained by the first day of school
- Families are responsible for a non-refundable $20 screening fee due at your screening appointment. Payment can be cash or check payable to Buckeye Intermediate School
- Registration must be complete in Final Forms with all registration documentation uploaded. Note: health forms are not required in accepted into our program. For more information about registration please see our Preschool Registration Page
What to Expect at Screening
During preschool screening, your child will participate in a modified preschool day. During that time he/she will be screened to identify the developmental levels in 5 areas:
- Fine and gross motor functioning
- Pre-academics
- Receptive and expressive language
- Social development
- Self-help development
Children will meet with a preschool teacher, a speech and language pathologist, and possibly an occupational therapist. While children are in the preschool classrooms, parents will have a parent meeting to learn more about the program and ask any questions they may have. During the parent meeting, we will discuss AM vs. PM sessions. Parents will have the opportunity to choose AM, PM, or either at this time.
Some children's performance will indicate that they are "at-risk" for having learning, language or behavior difficulties which may require more intensive intervention. After the screening, the speech therapist, school psychologist, and/or preschool teacher will meet with you to discuss concerns. This is a process that will be explained to you in more detail as you meeting with the preschool staff.
Selection Process
Other children will be considered for peer role model openings. When choosing the peer role models, teachers are looking for a variety of things. The will look at the current needs of their returning students and try to balance their classroom. This could mean they are looking for boys/ girls or younger/older kids. Teachers are also looking for children who possess strong social and communication skills, be able to follow directions, and attend to tasks for five to seven minutes, as well as meet the established district criteria utilizing sections of the curriculum and preschool standards.
Children who are not selected are placed on the waitlist. Families may receive a phone call about an opening through out the 2024-2025 school year as our classrooms may undergo changes.
Families will receive an email notification about acceptance by March 15, 2024. The notification will include the session that your child has been placed in, but will not have a teacher's name.
Teacher notifications are sent in August.